Growth Track
Our Growth Track is a great first step to connect with the people and mission of SMCC. This simple, convenient process is made up of three classes: 101 Church, 201 Shape, and 301 Values. Each step is designed to help you grow in your faith, learn about the values of the church, and make friends with others who are new to our environment.
New to SMCC or looking for your next step? Join us for lunch at 101 Church to learn more about the heart and vision of SMCC. You’ll get to meet your pastor, and others who are relatively new, just like you! This 90-minute class outlines membership and presents an opportunity to join, but is not required to attend. Childcare is provided.
The SMCC Serve Team is made up of amazing volunteers who use their gifts to serve in our church and in our community. At 201 Shape, we will help you learn more about your unique gifts and find a place to connect on our Serve Team. This 90-minute class includes a fun personal assessment, lunch, and a time to meet our ministry leaders. Childcare is provided.
Make friends, meet our leaders, and grow spiritually in one of our most engaging environments - 301 Values. This 12-week class is designed to help develop meaningful relationships through a small group experience, all while learning more about the core values of Christian living and the culture and DNA that makes us SMCC. Childcare is provided.